Monday, October 20, 2014

Stop Homophobic Bullying Education Pack Launched

I developed a new education pack called STOP HOMOPHOBIC BULLYING that we launched at Sheringham High School with Year 8 pupils as part of Hate Crime Awareness Week. The pack includes stories from young, local LGBT people who have experienced bullying (taken from a brilliant booklet that the Norwich BLAH Youth Group created a couple of years ago) and activities to make young people think about how they could support friends being bullied. It also offers ideas for how to challenge the use of the word ‘gay’ as an insult. The lessons went down well with pupils and comments on the feedback forms included, 'perfect', ‘it’s brilliant, keep it as it is’, 'there is nothing to make it better.' There were several calls for 'more sweets' so I'll bear that in mind!!

You can read more about the pack on the international Gay Star News website where over 2,000 people shared the post on facebook!